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Updated: August 9, 2024

These vessels proved to be American privateers, the Tom, Captain Thos. Wilson, and the Bona, Captain Damaron. The former was armed with fourteen carronades, some 18- and some 12-pounders, as well as two long 9-pounders, and carried 130 men.

American seamen afterward recovered from the wreck by night four 12-pounders, and a quantity of shot, which were used with effect. The conduct of this affair was of a character frequent in the naval annals of that day.

Colonel Forrest himself stooped to sight one of the 12-pounders, then cried: "Sir, they have struck." "Struck!" exclaimed Washington. "Yes," averred Forrest, exultingly. "Their colours are down, and they have grounded their arms." Washington cantered toward the enemy. "Your Excellency," shouted Baylor, who with the infantry had been well forward, "the Hessians have surrendered.

This gun must have a range of nearly six miles, and we have nothing that can reach it but our naval 4.7-inch and 12-pounders mounted on Junction Hill, both of which have enough to do in keeping down the fire of "Long Tom" of Pepworth's Hill. November 8.

The questions were, could guns be brought up the hill; and, if so, could the troops maintain themselves? The artillery officers had examined the track. They said 'No, and that even if they could reach the top of the hill they would only be shot out of action. Two long-range naval 12-pounders, much heavier than the field-guns, had arrived.

Some of the shots from the Serapis pierced the Bonhomme Richard under the water line, causing her to leak badly. Deprived of his 18-pound guns by reason of the accident mentioned, Jones was forced to rely upon his 12-pounders.

Against that we had two 47-inch named respectively Lady Ann and Bloody Mary four naval 12-pounders, thirty-six field-guns, the two remaining mountain guns, an old 64-pounder, and a 3-inch quickfirer these two on Cæsar's Camp in charge of the Durban Naval Volunteers two old howitzers, and two Maxim-Nordenfeldts taken at Krugersdorp in the Jameson raid, and retaken at Elandslaagte, fifty pieces in all.

From the length of the lower-deck guns they could not be easily run in, while the 12-pounders on the main-deck were so old and their vents so large that much powder exploded through them.

Three shells burst close to groups of the 60th, many men being hit. At that moment, however, the Boer gunners' attention was diverted to another point, where, from hills just in front of the town, and facing Rietfontein, Captain Lambton's 12-pounders opened. It was as great a surprise for us as for the Boers.

The Serapis was one of a remarkably bad class of ships, worse even than the two-decked 50-gun ships. She measured 886 tons, and her armament consisted of 20 long 18-pounders on the lower-deck, 22 long 12-pounders on the main-deck, and 2 long 6-pounders on the forecastle, making in all 44 guns.

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