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Renown like Fortune is a fickle dame, Nor lights her halo up on ev'ry brow. And yet who is there would not feel her flame! E'en I myself sometimes would, I avow: And should not like to see Oblivion's finger One day snuff out what might around me linger.

M. Lefevre saw it, and M. Tony asked me to give it for his atelier, but it is a portrait and cannot be given like that; then he said he would pose himself. Les orgues et les voix de femmes! Remember Carolus painted by Sargent. Goodness, non sum dignus!

If the rich Carrack, that creeps o'er the tide, Pisombo, Pisombo! were offered to me My own loved bark, would I take her for thee?

The lady in question seems to me smaller. 5. As a matter of fact, the suspicion came to me that she was not the same. 6. She seemed to him so pretty through the smoke which enveloped her entirely! 7. Tartarin bowed and placed his hand on his lips. 8. Baia dropped the amber mouthpiece without saying anything. 9. If you looked at her, she would laugh.

My reader would like to put the crossing of a great painter at the head of this episode. 2. Show me it first on board the Zouave, then show me how it was when Tartarin felt the first pangs. 3. Put it before my eyes. 4. In three days one can make the voyage from France to Algeria. 5. I shall show it to you struggling with the waves. 6. It begins to stand erect on the hero's skull. 7.

ELLE FIT DIRE QU'ON NE LA VOYOIT POINT, "she sent word that she would not receive." 3. SA QUALIT

To a commission thus constituted and thus instructed, Her Majesty's government could not only entertain no objection, but would be disposed, in common with all who sincerely desire the early and complete abolition of this detestable traffick, to look with hope and satisfaction. I am, etc., etc. Signé: Aberdeen.

87 25 sur: the definitive edition also prints sur here; sous would seem to be the correct reading, cf. 66 13. It is possible that the reference here is to figures worked into the pavement. 87 28 par (oftener

Before him lay three bulbs which he was sure would produce the long-sought black tulip. Les admirables caïeux!... Et Cornélius se délectait dans sa contemplation, et Cornélius s'absorbait dans les plus doux rêves. Soudain la sonnette de son cabinet fut plus vivement ébranlée que d'habitude. Cornélius tressaillit, étendit la main sur ses caïeux et se retourna.

79 20 Par exemple: 'as luck would have it'; cf. note to 11 24. 79 23 tête de bédouin: 'Bedouin-like head'; cf. note to 1 5. 79 27 Toujours la folie orientale! 'his craze about things oriental was still with him! 79 30 tout en haut = tout