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The conquest by Turkish pirates about 1500 A.D., with subordination to the Sultan of Turkey till 1669, brought in very few Turks; the pirates were a mixture of various Mohammedan nations with renegades from the Christian nations. The "Moors" of to-day in Algeria are their descendants; the ancient Moors were Berbers.

The picture which follows is interesting, it is overdrawn, however, since Algeria never was, and certainly is not today, as bad as Daudet paints it. 80 28 Zouzou: military slang for zouave. 81 1 le sergent La Ramée, le brigadier Pitou: popular names for the French soldier, the English "Tommy Atkins." 81 3 su: 'known how, 'been able.

32 1 1er =premier. par: cf. note to 10 22. Here used for comic effect; transl. 'debouch. la Canebière: the principal Street of Marseilles, of which the inhabitants are very proud. 32 5 s'il en manque ... des Teurs: des Teurs is anticipated by en; cf. 36 19, 38 32, 69 2. 32 10 le Zouave. the corps of French infantry in Algeria called 'zouaves' was organized in 1831.

43 5 chasseurs d'Afrique: French light cavalry serving in Algeria; transl. 'Africa cavalry. In 1871 about 11,000 natives of Alsace-Lorraine were granted land in Algeria. Daudet visited Algeria in 1861, before the Alsatians immigrated in large numbers. 43 8 spahis: 'spahis, native cavalry in the French service, commanded by French officers.

A comparison of the story of Tartarin's adventures at Milianah with the pages on that city in "Lettres de mon moulin" will show how many details have been borrowed from the notes Daudet took down during his stay in Algeria. 73 30

37 9 Machine, stop! Stop in machine, stop! is an imperative taken directly from the English. 37 10 plus rien: cf. notes to 13 1 and 4 23 Rien que: cf. 1 17. 37 19 Alger la blanche: 'Algiers, capital of Algeria, about 500 miles from Marseilles. For the epithet blanche, see next note.