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The Poetical Works of ROBERT FERGUSSON, with a memoir of the Author. W. and R. Chambers, 1878. The Poems of ROBERT FERGUSSON, with a Life of the Author and Remarks on his Genius and Writings, by James Gray. Edinburgh, John Fairbairn, 1821. The Scottish Minstrel, the Songs of Scotland subsequent to Burns, with memoirs of the Poets, by the Rev. CHARLES ROGERS. William P. Nimmo. Edinburgh, 1876.

I have a great regard and esteem for M. Guizot; I admire his talents and I respect his character, and I have found him one of the most agreeable men in public affairs, because he takes large and philosophical views of things, discusses questions with clearness, and sifts them to the bottom, and seems always anxious to arrive at the truth.

The latter, not long after, retired to the monastery of Yuste in Estremadura, where he died after two years. METZ, formerly capital of the Department of Moselle, situated at the confluence of the Seille and the Moselle. During the war with Henry II. it was besieged by Charles V. and gallantly defended by the Duke of Guise.

But even in the "Tartarin" series he is not entirely himself. The pure stream of his native simplicity and naïveté is already tinged with the worldly-wiseness of the Parisian.

I have the honour to be with high consideration, Monsieur le Baron, Your most obedient, humble servant, PALMERSTON. Monsieur le Baron, J'ai l'honneur de vous accuser réception de votre billet du 19 de ce mois, renfermant, par ordre de votre gouvernement, copie d'une dépêche du 17 que vous avez reçue du duc de Dalmatie, et qui a trait

1. Did the little boy wake with a start? 2. If he is very much afraid, he will ask for the light. 3. He was put to bed in the next room. 4. He intended to go to bed early. 5. That is ('voil

Paymaster of His Majesty's 78th Regt. of Foot or his assigns, the sum of two thousand one hundred and sixty three pounds nineteen shillings and six pence sterling, being for subsistence of said Regiment between the 24th day of February and the 24th day of April 1760, both days inclusive, as p. account annexed, and for so doing this with the acquittance of the said Lieut.

«That they were willing to admit that the French and Eastern Indians might have just grounds to their own satisfaction, for war against the Mohawks. That they looked upon all such Indians, as received the Yoke of Christ, with another eye than upon others who worship the Devil. That they desired, by all just means, to keep peace, if it may be, with all men, even with these barbarians.

Après un accord de l'orgue, s'est alors élevé en un gigantesque unisson le premier psaume chanté par ce chœur inouï: All people that on earth do dwell Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice.

COWPER. The Poetical Works of William Cowper, edited with notes and biographical. Introduction by William Benham. London, Macmillan and Co, 1870. CRABBE. The Life and Poetical Works of the Rev. George Crabbe, edited by His Son. London, John Murray, 1860. Mac CRIE. The Religion of Our Literature, by George Mac Crie. London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1875. GEORGE ELIOT. The Works of George Eliot.