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The latter, not long after, retired to the monastery of Yuste in Estremadura, where he died after two years. METZ, formerly capital of the Department of Moselle, situated at the confluence of the Seille and the Moselle. During the war with Henry II. it was besieged by Charles V. and gallantly defended by the Duke of Guise.

Il étoit pourvu d'un grand sens et d'esprit; il aimoit toutes sortes d'exercices et si y étoit si universel qu'il étoit parfait en tous, si bien que qui n'a vu Monsieur de Nemours, il n'a rien vu, et qui l'a vu le peut baptiser par tout le monde la fleur de toute la chevalerie." SAINT-QUENTIN, a city in the Department of Aisne, about eighty miles northeast of Paris.

To avoid the difficulties and secure the advantages mentioned, we have chosen the Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault and Madame de Beaumont. The department of literature thus sought as the means of instruction in language, supplies, as our own experience has amply demonstrated, agreeable and attractive material for beginners of all ages and conditions.

C'est la page ou plutôt la planche No. 37, Paroisse St. Roch Nord, de l'Atlas intitulé: "Atlas of the City and County of Quebec", from actual surveys, based upon the Cadastral Plans deposited in the office of the Department of Crown Lands by and under the supervision of H. W. Hopkins, civil engineer. Provincial Surveying and Pub. Co. Walter S. MacCormac, manager, 1879.