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After the death of Madame, her faithful friend withdrew more and more from the Court, into the seclusion and quiet of her little band of chosen friends, urged partly by her distaste for Court life and partly by her increasing ill-health.

To avoid the difficulties and secure the advantages mentioned, we have chosen the Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault and Madame de Beaumont. The department of literature thus sought as the means of instruction in language, supplies, as our own experience has amply demonstrated, agreeable and attractive material for beginners of all ages and conditions.

These gentlemen have met with very little countenance here, and bis Majesty, from your representation of their character, as well as some other reports which have come to my knowledge of their sentiments, has chosen, rather to receive the Petition they were charged with thro' my hands, than that it should be presented to him by them.

The loss of his chosen bride in this manner appeared to have a deep effect upon Don Carlos, and the sympathy shown him by Elisabeth and the gratitude thus awakened in the heart of the young prince aroused a feeling of jealousy in the mind of the Spanish King. In 1560 Don Carlos was proclaimed heir to the throne of Spain, but not long after was removed from Court and sent away from the capital.