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No more the flo'wry scenes of pleasure rise, Nor charming prospects greet the mental eyes, No more with joy we view that lovely face Smiling, disportive, flush'd with ev'ry grace. The tear of forrow flows from ev'ry eye, Groans answer groans, and sighs to sighs reply; What sudden pangs shot thro' each aching heart, When, Death, thy messenger dispatch'd his dart?

PREMIER CITOYEN. We are accounted poor citizens; The patricians good. Good signifie

2 6: pot de réséda: 'mignonette pot. Pot de fleurs = 'flower pot' Logically we should expect, and in a dealer's catalogue we find, pot

In his so-called great works, the long novels where questions of the day are fearlessly treated yet never solved, the works which are frequently considered his surest claim to immortality, we have an entirely different Daudet, excellent of course, and strong too if you like, but not the Daudet that nature had intended to produce.

In 17 20-21 we are given to understand that Tartarin's baobab, the most admired of his botanical rarities, is perhaps after all nothing but a turnip, and we are led to suspect that some of the others are not what they pretend to be.

Her mother was sprung from an ancient family of Provence, among whom, says Auger, literary talent had long been a heritage; but the mother herself if we are to believe Mme. de La Fayette's biographers possessed no talent save that of intrigue.

Pou Figeroux pa mo! (Pour que Figeroux ne me vît pas!) a-t-elle répondu simplement. La chambre d'Antoinette se trouve en effet

M. Wolcott fait dire aux Anglais: We lead those bands Armed in this manner, thus into your lands Without design to do you injury But only to invade the enemy.

On désire louer ou acheter maison avec écurie et remise. S'adr. Docteur Torck, 7, r. d'Amiens, Lille. Location. Fonctionnaire seul, cherche appartement garni 2 ou 3 pièces avec gaz. Ecr. WE bureau du jal. Mme Marie-Jeanne, modiste. 1, rue du Fresne, ouvert tous les jours, de 2

30 14 en toile blanche: en is used to denote the material of which a thing is made. De also may be used: une table d'acajou, but we find des commodes en acajou 82 7; cf. un sac de cuir 51 4, une serviette en cuir 71 14. 30 17 d'une longueur: for the suppression cf. note to 15 21. 30 22 venaient l