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Her mother was sprung from an ancient family of Provence, among whom, says Auger, literary talent had long been a heritage; but the mother herself if we are to believe Mme. de La Fayette's biographers possessed no talent save that of intrigue.

Her ambitious schemes were repressed during the reign of her husband and of Francis II.; but, as she had charge of affairs during the minority of Charles IX., she made good use of this opportunity to destroy her enemies both political and religious. She designed the massacre of St. Bartholomew and was continually fomenting strife among her sons.

[Note 17: «Louisbourg is a little place and has but one casement in it, hardly big enough to hold the women. Our artillery made havock among them (the garrison) and soon opened the rempart: in two days more we should certainly have, carried it. If this force had been properly managed, there was an end of the french colony in North America, in one campaign, for we have exclusive of seamen and mariners, near to forty thousand men in armsLettre du général Wolfe

60 16 toute: 'entirely. 60 chapter heading Sidi: among the Mohammedans a title of respect, when addressed to a foreigner, about equivalent to Mr ben: Arabic, 'son of' 'Tartarin son of Tartarin. 60 24

Even as a lyon would among the lambs be bold, Such was among the bashful maydes Mercutio to behold. «Un courtisan que, quelque part qu'il se trouvât, chacun tenait en très-haute estime, car il était courtois dans ses discours et devisait plaisamment; autant un lion serait hardi au milieu des agneaux, autant Mercutio le paraissait au milieu des jeunes filles timides

The war awakened in our sensitive poet a seriousness of purpose which harmonized but little with his native genius. Among his friends he never lost his old-time buoyant gaiety; but his works from now on show only a trace of it. The charming "Belle-Nivernaise" , a few "tarasconades," a gleam here and there in all his works, remind us of our old friend and plead for our sympathy with the new.

During this period he lived among the Bohemians of the Parisian world of letters; but, though he shared their joys and sorrows, he seems to have emerged unscathed from the dangers of such an existence.

He rose from among the stones, threw himself on Tartarin, and clung to his clothes. 8. They carried off his baggage. 9. Tartarin did not know how to make himself understood. 10. They threw outlandish names at his head. Que dit-on de ce qui reste des grands hommes? 2. Pourquoi ce qui restait de Cervantes a-t-il tressaillir de joie? 3. Qu'y avait-il sur la berge? 4.

Pendant ce temps, l'enthousiasme du prédicateur montait par degrés. Il parlait des anciens temps tout philippin, rencontrant un prêtre, se découvrait, mettait le genou en terre et lui baisait la main. «Mais, maintenant, ajouta-t-il, vous ne faites autre chose que quitter le salakot ou le chapeau de castorillo que vous inclinez sur votre tête pour ne pas déranger l'ordre de votre coiffure! Vous vous contentez de dire: bonjour, among , et il y a d'orgueilleux étudiantillons, sachant quelque peu de latin qui, parce qu'ils ont étudié