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Alas, our frailty is the cause, not we, For such as we are made of, such we be. Ce fut avec un plaisir d'enfant que pendant une heure Julien assembla des mots. Comme il sortait de sa chambre, il rencontra ses élèves et leur mère; elle prit la lettre avec une simplicité et un courage dont le calme l'effraya. La colle

Il y a, dans les Recollections of a Tour made in Scotland, AD. 1803, de Dorothy Wordsworth, des pages d'un sentiment exquis. Scenery of Scotland, chap.

[Note 75: On the last of September the priests made an altar, supported by the paddles of the canoes laid on forked sticks. Dollier said mass; La Salle and his followers received the sacrament, as did also those of his late colleagues; and thus they parted, the Sulpicians and their party descending the Grand River towards Lake

Les nègres, avec leur faculté d'imitation, s'assimilent les ambitions de leurs compatriotes blancs, et il y en a parmi eux qui sont des types du «self made man», de l'Américain fils de ses oeuvres. Un de leurs orateurs, Edwards, perdit sa mère en naissant, et son enfance en loques se passa dans les rues, un blanc, du nom de Simpson, le remarqua et lui donnait parfois un sou. On ne sait comment l'enfant entendit parler de l'Institut Tuskegee: il noua tout ce qu'il avait dans un mouchoir et, sans un sou, fit près de 200 kilomètres

Tartarin made a step forward without producing the slightest impression upon the officer. Quel était l'effet des terribles yeux? 2. le héros tarasconnais est-il venu s'égarer? 3. Pourquoi y est-il venu? 4. A quoi pensait-il? 5. Qu'est-ce qui a interrompu ses pensées? 6. Qu'est-ce qui vous manque? 7. Qu'est-ce que Tartarin a fait en apprenant que c'était le prince? 8.

Her Majesty's Government was convinced, even before the undersigned had the honour of showing these papers to M. Guizot, that the message intended to be conveyed to the Porte by M. de Pontois, must have been much altered by the person who delivered it, or else that M. de Pontois must have made such a communication entirely without instructions or authority from his own Government, and indeed in direct opposition to the spirit of the instructions which he had received; because the language used upon this occasion by M. Pontois was directly at variance with the language which has been held by the French Government to Her Majesty's ambassador at Paris, by M. Guizot to Her Majesty's Government in London, and, as far as Her Majesty's Government are informed, by the French agents at Alexandria to Méhémet Ali.

Spedding, t. Montaigne II, VIII, t. III, p. 88. «Yet hee was reputed one of the wise men, that made answere to the question: when a man should marrie. A young man not yet, an elder man not at allEd. Spedding, tome VI, p. 579. Spedding, t. VI. p. 555, Montaigne III. 8, t. Bacon. Essai. XXIX, éd. Spedding, t. VI, page 544. Bacon. Essai II. éd. Spedding, t. VI, page 379. Bacon, Essai XXXVI, éd.

Souls made of fire, and children of the sun, With whom revenge is virtue. «Ames formées de flammes, et enfans du soleil, pour lesquels la vengeance est une vertuMEDJNOUN et LEÏLA, les ROM

His thoroughly human and sympathetic nature made him a favorite with all who knew him, especially with the laboring classes, with whom he loved to associate. It is to this circumstance that we owe "Les Confessions d'un Ouvrier."

Made to engage all hearts, and charm all eyes; Though meek, magnanimous; though witty, wise; Polite, as all her life in courts had been; Yet good, as she the world had never seen; The noble fire of an exalted mind, With gentle female tenderness combin'd; Her speech was the melodious Voice of Love, Her song, the warbling of the vernal grove; Her eloquence was sweeter than her song, Soft as her heart, and as her reason strong; Her form each beauty of her mind express'd, Her mind was Virtue by the Graces dress'd.