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Despite this belief and despite the game laws, in southern France generally, especially in the Camargue, large numbers of swallows are killed and eaten. 5 7 en pleine campagne: 'into the open country', cf. 2 2, 41 13. 5 11 boeuf en daube 'stewed beef', properly, stewed with vegetables and then baked slowly Dauber = braiser saucissot: italicized because a dialectal form, = saucisson 'sausage'.

46 11 De guerre lasse: for de guerre las 'tired of struggling. Final s was pronounced in Old French, after it was no longer pronounced in most words it still continued to be sounded in las in the expression de guerre las because of the presence of the feminine guerre whence the erroneous spelling lasse. 46 12 dessus: adverb, cf. note to 1 6.

"Monsieur de Pourceaugnac" is the name of one of Molière's farces, and there is some Latin in it; but Daudet probably had in mind "Le Médecin malgré lui," II, 6. He uses the name Pourceaugnac here because he likes the sound. Rosa, rosae, is the type-noun of the first declension in French grammars of to-day, where we have ordinarily mensa or stella.

I mention these things because it is right you know them; they are an additional proof that, even in this world, the Providence has decreed that injustice and violence shall meet with their appropriate punishment, and that justice and mercy shall also have their reward, etc. etc. Lettre de lord Palmerston

Le massacre non provoqué de ses sujets par le capitaine Hunt , en 1614, occasionna cette inimitié. There was an old woman, whom we judged to be no less than a hundred years old, which came to see us, because she never saw English; yet could not behold us without breaking forth into great passion, weeping and crying excessively.