United States or Saint Lucia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, by HUGH BLAIR, one of the Ministers of the High Church, and Professor of Rhetoric and Belles Lettres in the University of Edinburgh, 3 vols. W. Creech. Edinburgh, 1803. Sermons chiefly on Particular Occasions, by ARCHIBALD ALISON, Minister of the Episcopal Chapel, Cowgate, Edinburgh, Archibald Constable. Edinburgh, 1820, 2 vols.

J'y arrivai vers le midi, juste au moment les mineurs rentraient de leur claim pour dîner; je m'avançai bravement au milieu de l'unique rue du village en criant en anglais: Venison at one dollar a pound. Cette bonne idée fut couronnée de succès, car

Pardonnez-moi de ne pas me lever, me dit-il, mais je ne veux pas déranger M. Number one.

Note 46: Le texte dit: Not one silver penny, pas même un penny. Cette pièce d'argent la plus petite qui ait existé en Angleterre, équivalait

Many blame what others praise, so, whatever you say, you will not find yourself alone in your views." With La Princesse de Clèves, Mme. de La Fayette created a new kind of fiction, "substituting," says Saintsbury, "for mere romance of adventure on the one hand, and stilted heroic work on the other, fiction in which the display of character is held of chief account."

'has not given of his news since. 65 15 Qu'est devenu: 'what has become of? lit. 'what has become? Cf. note to 93 7. 65 23 Tombouctou: 'Timbuktu, the most famous city of central Africa, a French possession since 1893, in Tartarin's time only three Europeans had ever reached it, and one of these was killed two days after he left the city. 65 24 garde: subjunctive.

L'auteur anglais dit plus loin: «One thing is certain, viz: to play with proper feeling and correct execution the Préludes and Studies of Chopin, is to be neither more nor less than a finished pianist and moreover, to comprehend them thoroughly, to give a life and a tongue to their infinite and most eloquent subtleties of expression, involves the necessity of being in no less a degree a poet than a pianist, a thinker than a musician.

[Note 17: «Louisbourg is a little place and has but one casement in it, hardly big enough to hold the women. Our artillery made havock among them (the garrison) and soon opened the rempart: in two days more we should certainly have, carried it. If this force had been properly managed, there was an end of the french colony in North America, in one campaign, for we have exclusive of seamen and mariners, near to forty thousand men in armsLettre du général Wolfe

Another large slab of white stone, which was supported on one side by two pullies, was let down upon the grave after the coffin had been put into it, and every interstice afterwards filled with stone and Roman cement.

[Note 1: Two birds with one stone, proverbe anglais qui correspond