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A Frenchman is not offended as we are by the flippancy of this reference to one of the supreme moments of Christ's life. Cf. De Vigny's "Le Mont des Oliviers." 85 13 d'en face: 'in front of him'; cf. 90 20. 85 17 jusqu'aux pantoufles: made 'even the slippers' shake; of 81 25. 85 19 Seul: while all trembled, Tartarin 'alone' did not.

[Note 4: Stands alone, stat solus, proéminent; to stand veut dire aussi se tenir debout, de l

One thing alone can cure us from being ourselves!... Yes; strictly speaking, the question is not how to get cured, but how to live. Joseph Conrad. Lord Jim, p. 226.

Note 85: Crezac. Graçay, petite ville du Berry. Pour le mot Alone, c'est une faute du traducteur, et Rigord dit

St-Céran ... toute une année, De bals et de fleurs couronnée, Nous laisse un heureux souvenir. But in mans dwelling, he became a thing Restless, and worn, and stern, and wearisome, Drop'd as a wild born talon with clept wings, To whom the boundless air alone were home.

It is needless for us to discuss the unprofitable question of why Mme. de La Fayette withheld her name from the titlepage, and would never own to the authorship. That La Princesse de Clèves was written by her, and her alone, the world is well agreed; and this is enough for us to know.