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Great lion-hunters pull the kid's foot with a string. 4. Nothing came all the same. 5. Not being afraid, Tartarin cried louder. 6. Something black stooped in front of him. 7. That is surely a lion! 8. Suddenly Tartarin became silent. 9. Nothing answered the shot. 10. He was afraid and made a leap backward.

St-Céran ... toute une année, De bals et de fleurs couronnée, Nous laisse un heureux souvenir. But in mans dwelling, he became a thing Restless, and worn, and stern, and wearisome, Drop'd as a wild born talon with clept wings, To whom the boundless air alone were home.

In 1562 he was wounded in the head by a fall, and it is thought by many that his reason was thereby impaired. His father's treatment of him became harsher, and the important positions at the Court were occupied by his enemies; he made two vain attempts to escape from Spain, and intelligence was brought to the King that his son was forming designs against his life.

"Entre les frises et la rampe" contains studies of the stage and its people. Daudet claimed to be an independent, and was indignant when an attempt was made to class him with any school. He was certainly independent in his youth, but in his second period, after the war, he became a realist with Flaubert and Zola and an impressionist with Goncourt.

He spent the winters of 1861-1864 in Algeria, Corsica, and Provence. These voyages were of vital importance in his development. He learned something of the world and became better fitted to study conditions in his own narrow sphere; at the same time he acquired the power of vigorous description and collected material for some of his finest short stories and for the Tartarin series.

In 1804, he was made a baronet, and in 1814 became a full admiral in the British navy.

After creating several new species, he set to work to create a black tulip, for which the Horticultural Society of Harlem had offered a prize of 100,000 florins. In the house adjoining that of van Baerle, lived another tulip-grower, named Boxtel, who had not the wealth of van Baerle, and could not attain the same success. He became envious of his more fortunate rival.

During the centuries of pirate rule, and earlier, negroes were brought in as slaves; Mohammedan custom favored setting them free in a few years if they became Mohammedans. 40 23 invraisemblables: lit. 'unlike the truth, 'improbable', then 'strange, 'outlandish', of German unwahrscheinlich.

During the reign of Francis II. he was, together with his brother, the Duke of Guise, in virtual control of the government. LE CHEVALIER DE GUISE, François de Lorraine, was born in 1537; joined the order of Malta and became Grand Prior towards 1555, and about the same time was made General of the Galleys. He led an expedition from Malta to Rhodes, where he was wounded.

87 12 cochinchinoises: 'from Cochin China, a part of Indo-China, at the south of the Siam peninsula, a French colony since its conquest in 1859-1867. 87 16 ce qu'il advint de: 'what became of. Advenir is used only impersonally. 87 20 encore: 'after all. 87 21 d'un placement difficile: 'hard to dispose of.