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A year in Spain, by an American, 1832: Au seizième siècle, les troupeaux de la Mesta se composaient d'environ sept millions de têtes. Tombés

You will best know the course which is likely to succeed, and I am sure that you cannot render a greater service to Spain and to the public interest. Correspondance entre M. Guizot, ministre des affaires étrangères, et M. Casimir Périer, chargé d'affaires

Spain. Tom. On appelle Befana un mannequin habillé de haillons qu'on promène en Italie, la nuit de l'

The chief industry of the place consists in its woolen factories. Here, on October 15, 1558, the plenipotentiaries appointed by the French met those of Spain, with whom were associated the ambassadors of Mary of England and of the Duke of Savoy.

DON CARLOS, son of Philip II. of Spain and of his first wife, Doña Maria of Portugal, was born at Valladolid on July 8, 1545, and died at Madrid on July 14, 1568. In 1559, at the Treaty of Câteau-Cambrésis, Philip negotiated a marriage between his son and Elisabeth, daughter of Henry II., but he afterwards married the princess himself.

After the accession of Philip II. to the throne of Spain, the war against the French was carried on with varying success for seven years. In 1558, after the Battle of Gravelines, proposals of peace were made and the treaty was signed at Câteau-Cambrésis, April 3, 1559. Henry II. was shortly after wounded in a tournament, and died on July 10, 1559.