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LE ROI DE NAVARRE. Antoine de Bourbon, King of Navarre, was born April 22, 1518. He was the son of Charles de Bourbon, Duke of Vendôme, and Françoise d'Alençon. In 1548 he married Jeanne d'Albret, daughter of Henry II., King of Navarre. By this marriage he obtained the crown of Navarre and the Seniory of Béarn.

«Downing-street, april 26, 1831. »My dear prince, »I send herewith copies of the information which has reachen this government respecting the procedings of the French minister at Constantinople.

Maintenant, en dehors de la question artistique pour laquelle je vous hais, car vous m'y avez fait le plus grand mal, nous sommes toujours amis, et la preuve c'est que samedi on dîne rue Ampère. À mademoiselle *. My dear little Alice, I was very glad receiving your nice letter. I am coming back very soon; you may expect to see me at 8 o'clock monday the 10th April at the blessed atelier Julian.

Henry VIII. desired her as a match for the Prince of Wales, but her mother favored a marriage with the Dauphin, afterwards Francis II. She accordingly set out for France in 1548 and the marriage took place on April 24, 1558. From this time until the death of Henry II., Francis and Mary Stuart were called le Roi Dauphin and la Reine Dauphine respectively.

[Note 278: To Mr John Kennedy, 20 April 1786. L'expression se trouve

Tels sont les deux hommes que les Canadiens vont prendre pour chefs dans les premières années du régime parlementaire. Extract of a letter from the Right Honorable Lord Sidney, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, to His Excellency Governor Haldimand, dated Whitehall, the 8th April 1784.

Extract of a letter from the Right Honorable Lord Sidney, one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, to His Excellency Governor Haldimand, dated 8th April 1784, in answer to the foregoing.

O, how this spring of love resembleth The uncertain glory of an April day, Which now shows all the beauty of the sun And by and by a cloud takes all away!