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Venise, 20 janvier 1819. «Lorsque j'ai consulté l'opinion de M. H * et d'autres, c'était relativement au mérite poétique, et non sur ce qu'ils croient devoir au jargon hypocrite d'un tems on lit encore le Guide de Bath, les poèmes de Little, Prior et Chaucer, sans parler de Fielding et de Smolett.

Ainsi armé au physique et au moral, nous nous rendîmes chez Little, nous trouvâmes les Jamaïcains, et bientôt après le dîner fut servi. Il consistait en une énorme pièce de rostbeef, un dindon cuit dans son jus, des racines bouillies, une salade de choux crus, et une tarte aux confitures.

The ground is the property of a Mr. Forbett, a respectable tradesman of this island, who has a little cottage close adjoining to it. He assented with great readiness to the proposition of the body being buried there.

His school days at Lyons were equally agreeable to the young vagabond. His studies occupied him little; he loved to wander through the streets of the great city, finding everywhere food for fanciful speculation. He would follow a person he did not know, scrutinizing his every movement, and striving to lose his own identity in that of the other, to live the other's life.

See "Le Caravansérail" in "Contes du lundi." 71 2 une place de jolie sous-préfecture: 'the square of a pretty little city, 'the square of a pretty city about the size of a subprefecture'; cf. note to 17 14. For the construction cf. note to 1 5. 71 4 de petits soldats de plomb: 'little lead soldiers', cf. note to 1 5.

Environ 50 kilomètres en aval de Little Salmon, la rivière s'élargit en bassin, ses eaux étant retardées par une barrière naturelle de plusieurs îlots de roche conglomérée et nommés les Five Fingers (Cinq Doigts), non, comme on le croit généralement,

In the "Lettres de mon moulin" the writer is still in sympathy with his native land, while in the earliest of the "Tartarin" series, "Tartarin de Tarascon," there is already a spirit of disdainful raillery which Daudet learned in Paris. Tarascon was piqued when "Tartarin de Tarascon" appeared. Indeed, there is more than a little in the book that may well offend local pride.

Little need be said, at the present day, of the importance of a knowledge of the French Language. It is the key to immense treasures in literature and science, the medium of communication in European diplomacy, and is, confessedly, an indispensable accomplishment of the modern traveller and the man of liberal education.

46 24 bastides, bastidons: Provençal bastido = 'country house, 'villa', Provençal bastidoun is the diminutive, = 'little villa, 'cottage. 47 6 parbleu! euphemistic for pardieu, transl. 'of course! 47 8 bourriquots: cf. 47 11 tout

Il est impossible d'exprimer la satisfaction que me causa ce brusque dénouement et le poids dont il me débarrassa. Je me hâtai de sonner. Little monta, et après lui avoir adressé la phrase officielle: «Voyez