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After the flight of Rosa, Gryphus had become more savage than ever and had attacked Cornelius in his cell. Cornelius overcame his assailant and gave him a sound beating. The guards rushed in, disarmed the prisoner, and told him that death was the punishment decreed for a prisoner who attacked his keeper. At this moment the officer of the Prince appeared and ordered Cornelius to follow him.

MERCUTIO. Well said: follow me this jest now, till thou hast worn thy pump; that, when the single sole of it is worn, the jest may remain, after the wearing, solely singular. ROM

SO HAROLD ENDS, IN GREECE, HIS PILGRIMAGE! There fitly ending, in that land renown'd, Whose mighty genius lives in Glory's page, He, on the Muses' consecrated ground, Sinking to rest, while his young brows are bound With their unfading wreath! To bands of mirth, No more in TEMPE let the pipe resound! HAROLD, I follow to thy place of birth The slow hearse and thy LAST sad PILGRIMAGE on earth.

His school days at Lyons were equally agreeable to the young vagabond. His studies occupied him little; he loved to wander through the streets of the great city, finding everywhere food for fanciful speculation. He would follow a person he did not know, scrutinizing his every movement, and striving to lose his own identity in that of the other, to live the other's life.

Boxtel, disguised as a burgher of the Hague, had made friends with the executioner, and hoped to get the tulip bulbs after the execution of van Baerle, but the commutation of the sentence again frustrated his plans, and, thinking Cornelius had the bulbs on his person, he decided to follow the prisoner.