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His school days at Lyons were equally agreeable to the young vagabond. His studies occupied him little; he loved to wander through the streets of the great city, finding everywhere food for fanciful speculation. He would follow a person he did not know, scrutinizing his every movement, and striving to lose his own identity in that of the other, to live the other's life.

If the rich Carrack, that creeps o'er the tide, Pisombo, Pisombo! were offered to me My own loved bark, would I take her for thee?

Ernest believed in Alphonse's genius more than in his own, and bestowed on his younger brother the motherly devotion which Alphonse so gratefully and tenderly acknowledges in "Le Petit Chose," his romantic autobiography, where Ernest appears as "ma mère Jacques." The first years in Paris were the darkest in the brothers' lives.

«That they were willing to admit that the French and Eastern Indians might have just grounds to their own satisfaction, for war against the Mohawks. That they looked upon all such Indians, as received the Yoke of Christ, with another eye than upon others who worship the Devil. That they desired, by all just means, to keep peace, if it may be, with all men, even with these barbarians.

Not as a foe, but friend, converse with Death, Since to the port of happiness unknown He brought that treasure which you call your own.

26 6 langue du cru: 'local dialect, 'vernacular' Cru means 'growth, 'that which grows in a certain district', croître = 'grow' Vin du cru ='local wine', donner une oeuvre de son cru = 'to produce a work of one's own imagination', cf.dame du cru 60 29, jurons du cru 65 4. 26 9 devait: cf. note to 18 2. 26 10 on le chargeait toujours: cf. 11 12.

Le 28 mars, deux détachements des Queen's Own, le 10ème Grenadiers Royaux et la compagnie C, de l'infanterie de Toronto étaient appelés au service. Le 65ème Carabiniers de Montréal reçut pareillement son ordre de départ. Le 30 mars, deux nouveaux régiments étaient levés

Vers les dix heures, on fit les honneurs militaires au défunt Col. Williams. Tous les bataillons suivaient la dépouille mortelle en silence. Les Midlands, les Grenadiers, le 65ème Carabiniers Mont-Royaux, le 90ème Infanterie Légère de Winnipeg, puis les Queen's Own montent l'un après l'autre la colline, et traversent le village.