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You cannot imagine the scie that became my pastel; it is so very good every one speaks of it to my friends who come to me and say what they have heard. I am quite sorry it is not picture. Bastien says that it is art even if it were a mere fusain.

His school days at Lyons were equally agreeable to the young vagabond. His studies occupied him little; he loved to wander through the streets of the great city, finding everywhere food for fanciful speculation. He would follow a person he did not know, scrutinizing his every movement, and striving to lose his own identity in that of the other, to live the other's life.

Every man in his humour, disait le vieux Ben Jonson: chacun dans son caractère, chacun

Je me servois aussi de cette prière, tirée des poëmes de Thompson. Father of light and life, thou Good supreme! O Teach me what is Good, teach me thyself. Save me from folly, vanity, and vice, From every low pursuit, and fill my soul With knowledge, conscious peace and virtue pure, Sacred, substantial, never fading bliss.

[Note 15: Nous avons adopté ici une légère correction de M. Mason: every âge and body of the time, au lieu de the very age, qui ne donnait aucun sens admissible. Même avec cette correction, le sens est vague. La langue anglaise n'est pas aussi rigoureuse que la langue française, et souvent la plume hâtive de Shakspeare esquisse avec une ampleur flottante telle ou telle idée que nous voudrions plus nettement définie. The time, est-ce seulement le temps même des comédiens et leurs contemporains, ou bien est-ce le passé comme le présent, et l'ensemble de la durée humaine? Every âge, est-ce la jeunesse, l'âge mûr et la vieillesse, ou l'époque du roi Henri VI, celle de Macbeth, celle de Jules César, celle d'

Note 33: Every thing should be put to its proper use in this world, chaque chose doit être appropriée

Another large slab of white stone, which was supported on one side by two pullies, was let down upon the grave after the coffin had been put into it, and every interstice afterwards filled with stone and Roman cement.

So far as possible, he borrowed every detail of character and environment from real life; almost all his characters represent real persons whom he studied with a view of using them in his books.

Quand il eut fini son inspection, il remonta sur la dunette, et d'une voix calme, il prononça les paroles suivantes: «Officiers et matelots, je suis un Anglais, comme vous, et ma devise est celle de l'amiral Nelson: «L'Angleterre attend que chacun fasse son devoir . «England expects every one to make his duty

That every thing which I said of those proceedings is true, is proved by the French newspapers, and even by the general orders of French generals.