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On the contrary, you arrive just in time to get into an ugly difficulty. 8. There are hundreds of them in the convent. 10. était le cordonnier juif? 2. a-t-on fait rouler Tartarin? 3. Qu'est-ce que le prince a fait? 4. Comment est-il arrivé ici? 5. Comment Tartarin a-t-il expliqué son action? 6. Qu'est-ce que le lion était pour les nègres? 7. De quel couvent faisait-il partie? 8.

The infuriated mob broke into the Buytenhoff and searched the cells. Les rugissements de la foule éclataient comme un tonnerre, car il lui était bien démontré que Cornélius de Witt n'était plus dans la prison.

The Dialect of the Southern Counties of Scotland, its Pronounciation, Grammar and Historical Relations. The Scottish Language, in the EDINBURGH REVIEW 324, October 1883. A Critical Inquiry into the Scottish Language, with the view of illustrating the Rise and Progress of Civilisation in Scotland by FRANCISQUE MICHEL. William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh, 1882.

Corneille de Witt had also been falsely accused of planning to assassinate William of Orange, and had been thrown into prison and tortured. When the story opens Corneille is still in prison, awaiting his brother Jean, who is to accompany him into exile.

Her checkered career from this time on is well known. He was married to Mary Stuart in 1558 and the next year ascended the throne of France. Owing to his weak health and mental incapacity the affairs of the kingdom fell into the hands of the Guises, uncles of Mary Stuart. This led to great discontent among the people, which was aggravated by the fierce religious factions of the times.

Do not think I think bad of her, it is merely the love of analyses that makes me look into people's nature more than it would perhaps be suitable. B... has des défauts, mais elle a aussi des qualités, unfortunately one cannot say so of many. As to the picture canaille it would not be yet bad to do it, if there were talent.

40 26 se faire comprendre: cf. note to 7 25. barbares: 'barbarians, the word used by Greeks and Romans to designate uncivilized peoples. Not to be confused with barbaresque. 40 28 du latin de Pourceaugnac: 'Pourceaugnac Latin, meaningless Latin such as that which Molière introduces into some of his plays.

... The heart which had been... preserved in spirits of wine was put into a small silver Vase, the stomach in another, and both placed in the coffin with the body. Mr. Rutledge, assistant surgeon of the 20th regiment, was the person who soldered up the vases in which the heart and stomach were placed, and saw them put into the coffin, the undertakers being also present.

4 32 deuil: faire son deuil d'une chose = 'to go into mourning about a thing, 'to give it up for lost'.

87 25 sur: the definitive edition also prints sur here; sous would seem to be the correct reading, cf. 66 13. It is possible that the reference here is to figures worked into the pavement. 87 28 par (oftener