United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

His love for Cécile, granddaughter of a gentle country doctor, is rapidly making a man of him, when his mother enters again into his life and the poor boy dies miserably in a hospital, killed by despair rather than by disease. This is perhaps the most powerful of Daudet's novels; it is certainly the most harrowing.

A ces mots, elle enleva son diadème de dessus sa tête et le posa sur ses genoux; puis, se penchant vers Raymond et le regardant avec des yeux enflammés, elle murmura: "Perhaps I will give you all that I can give," et Raymond comprit que ces dix mots anglais voulaient dire: "Peut-être vous donnerai-je tout ce que je puis donner."

I understood the question which was put to me to be whether any agreement had been made between England and France to interpose by force to put an end to that war; and I said that no formal agreement of any kind had been made between the two governments; and certainly none of that kind had taken place, but that a formal application had been made some time before, by the government of Montevideo, for our mediation, and that we had instructed M. Mandeville to offer it to the other party, the Buenos-Ayres government; I ought perhaps also to have mentioned the conversation which I had had with baron Bourqueney, and in which he proposed, on the part of his government, that our representatives at Buenos-Ayres should communicate and assist each other in this matter; but in the hurry of reply, it did not occur to me that that conversation came within the reach of the question.

In 17 20-21 we are given to understand that Tartarin's baobab, the most admired of his botanical rarities, is perhaps after all nothing but a turnip, and we are led to suspect that some of the others are not what they pretend to be.

They can gather together 8 or 10 thousand Canadians, and perhaps a thousand Indians.

Perhaps we shall go to Dieppe; if you are still there I will come and see you; only I am afraid d'être conquise par cette Bretagne que je dédaigne, et de trop regretter de n'y avoir pas été pour travailler ..... [Note 21: La fin de la lettre est en français, on la trouve

This frigid, make-believe happiness, even though supported by the satisfaction of being absolute mistress of the household, could not long suffice for a nature like Mme. de La Fayette's; and therein lies perhaps the secret of all the unwritten history that follows. Just at what time the friendship between Mme. de La Fayette and La Rochefoucauld began, is uncertain.

Of all the characters that appear in Daudet's novels it is perhaps Frédérique whose appeal to the reader is strongest, and Frédérique is almost entirely the product of the author's imagination.