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22 16 éléphantiasis: 'elephantiasis, a disease of the skin which makes it thick, hard, and fissured like an elephant's hide. 22 21 feu Cambyse: 'the late Cambyses' feu is frequently used, but only with humorous intent, in speaking of persons long since dead. 22 27 que diable! 'hang it all! 23 3

His love for Cécile, granddaughter of a gentle country doctor, is rapidly making a man of him, when his mother enters again into his life and the poor boy dies miserably in a hospital, killed by despair rather than by disease. This is perhaps the most powerful of Daudet's novels; it is certainly the most harrowing.

[Note 84: Ouvrages (en dehors de ceux qui seront mentionnés plus tard): Tardieu, Des attentats aux moeurs, édit., 1878, p. 210 Hoffmann, Lehrb. d. ger. Med., édit., p. 170, 887. Glay Revue philosophique, 1881, nº1. Magnan, Annal. méd.-psychol., 1885, p. 558. Shaw et Ferrin, Journal of nervous and mental disease, 1883, Avril, 2. Bernhardi, Der Uranismus, Berlin (Volksbuchhandlung), 1882 Chevalier, De l'inversion de l'instinct sexuel, Paris, 1885. Ritti, Gaz. hebdom. de médecine et de chirurgie, 1878, 4 janvier. Tamassla, Rivista sperim., 1878, p. 97-117. Lombroso. Archiv. di Psychiatr., 1881. Charcot et Magnan, Archiv. de Neurologie, 1882, nos 7, 12. Moll, Die conträre Sexualempfindung, Berlin, 1891. Chevalier, Archives de l'anthropologie criminelle, t. V, 27; t. VI, 31. Reuss, Aberrations du sens génésique (Annales d'hygiène publique, 1896). Saury,