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These gentlemen have met with very little countenance here, and bis Majesty, from your representation of their character, as well as some other reports which have come to my knowledge of their sentiments, has chosen, rather to receive the Petition they were charged with thro' my hands, than that it should be presented to him by them.

However, the character of the prince and the information given in 56 31 ff lead us to suppose that in Gregory's mind "a free Montenegro" means a Montenegro free from the existing constitutional authorities, rather than free from Turkish domination. 57 14 qu'on secoue: 'being shaken, cf. note to 55 7. 57 18 Parlez-moi des: 'just trust' lever ... la caille.

28 18 toute une cargaison: 'a whole cargo', cf.33 2-3. 28 19 pemmican: 'pemmican', dried meat, pulverized or shredded, and mixed with melted fat, for Arctic rather than tropical use. 28 20 tente-abri: a light, easily-handled tent, used particularly by troops in the field. Abri, masculine, = 'shelter. 28 21

For this reason I would rather wish that the tract of country alluded to, should be kept uninhabited as long as possible, and have therefore refused the repeated solicitations of many of the people of Vermont who call themselves our friends, and of several Loyalists, for grants of lands on that frontier.

His love for Cécile, granddaughter of a gentle country doctor, is rapidly making a man of him, when his mother enters again into his life and the poor boy dies miserably in a hospital, killed by despair rather than by disease. This is perhaps the most powerful of Daudet's novels; it is certainly the most harrowing.