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The blooming babe, with shades of Death o'erspread, No more shall smile, no more shall raise its head; But like a branch that from the tree is torn, Falls prostrate, wither'd, languid, and forlorn. «Where flies my James» 'tis thus I seem to hear The parent ask, «Some angel tell me where He whings his passage thro' the yielding air»?

This spirited translation from the German ballad by Goethe has probably never been printed. The handwriting is about 1798, and the translation was well known to some of Sir Walter's early friends. Lent by Messrs. A. & Ch. Black.

«His Majesty approves of the plan you have proposed for settling some of the Loyalists at Cataraqui and places adjacent, and is satisfied with the reasons you have given for suspending the execution of the directions contained in the late Secretary of State's letter to you with regard to establishments on the tracts of land to the eastward of the River St.

He refused to believe that, although the insinuation awakened melancholy in his great soul. 2. He found nobody who seemed ugly to him. 3. Sit down near the fountain, although you are a prey to remorse. 4. We hear from Tarascon that they have not heard from you for many months. 5. What has become of you? 6. So many of our fellow-countrymen gave some that I scarcely dare to ask them for it. 7.

GILFILLAN. A Galery of Literary Portraits, by George Gilfillan. William Tait. Edinburgh, 1845. GOLDSMITH. The Works of Oliver Goldsmith. Edinburgh, W. P. Nimmo, n. d. London, Macmillan, 1883. London, Bell and Daldy, 1873. Victor HUGO. Le Rhin, par Victor Hugo. Hachette, Paris. Les Contemplations, par V. Hugo. Hachette, Paris. Macmillan. On some Fixed Points in British Ethnology, by Huxley.

"Some judge of authors' names, not works, and then Nor praise nor blame the writings, but the men." Mon cher Ella, Vous me demandez pourquoi le Mystère (la Fuite en

O grace et pitié tres immense, L'entrée de paix et la porte, Some et benigne clemence, Qui noz faultes toult et supporte; Cy de vous louer me deporte, Ingrat suis, et je le maintien, Dont en ce refrain me transporte, On doit dire du bien le bien.

[Note 227: Some account of domest. archit. in England from Edward I to Richard II; Oxford. J. H. Parker, 1853. Le château de Kingston sur Hull fut fondé par le roi

The French ambassador has delivered to me a despatch from his government, in which M. Guizot describes in strong terms the feeling which has prevailed for some time past in the French Chambers and generally in France, relative to the right of search.

He spent the winters of 1861-1864 in Algeria, Corsica, and Provence. These voyages were of vital importance in his development. He learned something of the world and became better fitted to study conditions in his own narrow sphere; at the same time he acquired the power of vigorous description and collected material for some of his finest short stories and for the Tartarin series.