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Reschid Pacha sent M. Francheschi to me this morning to communicate a message the pacha has received from the French ambassador, through M. Cor, the French dragoman.

I at that time informed the French ambassador that my conviction of the sincerity and zeal of M. Guizot for the abolition of the slave trade would induce me to receive any suggestions from him on the subject, and to submit them for the consideration of Her Majesty's government.

After lord Londonderry's attack on M. de Talleyrand, Lord Goderich said in the course of his speech: Another part of his noble friend's speech to which he desired to advert, was that which related to prince de Talleyrand, whom his noble friend had supposed to have great influence upon the councils of this country, and whom, proceeding on that supposition and upon certain parts of that illustrious person's past life, this noble friend has thought he was justified in pursuing with the most acrimonious animadversion although an ambassador from a friendly power.

The French ambassador has delivered to me a despatch from his government, in which M. Guizot describes in strong terms the feeling which has prevailed for some time past in the French Chambers and generally in France, relative to the right of search.

I was to a certain degree prepared for the hostility of France by what passed at a visit made by M. Titof to the French ambassador; when the latter, in the course of conversation, said he thought war between France and England inevitable.

This appeared to me to manifest either a very injudicious and improper levity in the ambassador, or that he had received information from his Government that warranted what he said. Extrait d'une dépêche du Vicomte Ponsonby

On public as well as on private grounds, he thanked the noble Duke for that part of his speech. There could be little difference of opinion as to the injustice and the want of generosity, of speaking in harsh and insulting terms respecting the ambassador of a friendly power, resident amongst us.