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He is made the enemy of the banker Hemerlingue through the social rivalry of their wives. He is elected député from Corsica. The legality of the election is questioned. Jansoulet is supported by the prime minister, the duc de Mora, but the latter dies suddenly, Jansoulet's election is declared invalid, and he dies from a stroke of apoplexy.

Upon the death of the German Emperor Maximilian in 1519, he became the rival candidate of Charles V. for the imperial crown. Upon his loss of the latter, he attempted an alliance with Henry VIII. of England against the Emperor.

I was to a certain degree prepared for the hostility of France by what passed at a visit made by M. Titof to the French ambassador; when the latter, in the course of conversation, said he thought war between France and England inevitable.

How close and lasting was this friendship is seen on almost every page of Mme. de Sévigné's correspondence. Indeed, so often does the name of Mme. de La Fayette occur in Mme. de Sévigné's letters to her daughter, that the latter may well have been jealous of her mother's friend. The companionship of Mme. de Sévigné was, after the death of La Rochefoucauld, the chief comfort of Mme. de La Fayette in her ill-health and seclusion; and it was from the sick-chamber of her friend that Mme. de Sévigné's letters would seem to have been written in those latter years. In 1693, soon after the death of Mme. de La Fayette, Mme. de Sévigné writes as follows of her dead friend: "Je me trouvois trop heureuse d'être aimée d'elle depuis un temps très-considérable; jamais nous n'avions eu le moindre nuage dans notre amitié. La longue habitude ne m'avoit point accoutumée

She was promised in marriage to Edward VI. of England, but the latter died before attaining his majority. Philip II. of Spain sought her as a match for his son, Don Carlos; but in the meantime his wife, Mary of England, died, and he demanded and obtained the princess for himself.