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After the death of Madame, her faithful friend withdrew more and more from the Court, into the seclusion and quiet of her little band of chosen friends, urged partly by her distaste for Court life and partly by her increasing ill-health.

If the government entertained the same opinion as his noble friend of prince de Talleyrand, it would be their duty to represent to His Majesty the king of the French that they could not transact business with such a person.

When the young princess had become the sister-in-law of the King and the idol of the young Court, she remained steadfast in her love for the friend who had cheered her lonely convent life; and thus Mme. de La Fayette came at the age of thirty to be one of the company that gathered around Madame at Fontainebleau and Saint-Cloud, "spectatrice plutôt qu'agissante," says Sainte-Beuve.

Il se retourne. Le brigand n'était plus dans la grotte, et il entend au dehors une voix effrayante qui criait: Friend! Friend! je suis

A battle near Waterloo was expected, but it did not come off. Mr. Morgan and his friend returned to Brussels, and I quote his exact words, as given in the Pall Mall Gazette he «found the town on the verge of a turmoil. This was owing to General von Jarodzky's stupidity, and very nearly involved the town in the same rate which afterwards overwhelmed Louvain.

Il paraît, murmura le petit homme, que nous ne sommes plus que deux qui vivons dans cette salle d'Arbar. Tiens, ami Friend, achève ton festin commencé. Il jeta vers la porte extérieure dont nous avons parlé ce qu'il avait détaché de l'objet étendu

Not as a foe, but friend, converse with Death, Since to the port of happiness unknown He brought that treasure which you call your own.

Voici que l'on approche, dit le petit homme, l'oeil fixé sur la lumière qui croissait de plus en plus. Compagnon Friend, laisse-moi seul un instant. ! dehors! Le monstre obéissant s'élança vers la porte, descendit

L'ours acheva de gravir l'escalier lourdement en leur présentant sa gueule sanglante et ses dents acérées. Merci, mon brave Friend! cria le brigand. Et profitant de la surprise des agresseurs, il se jeta sur le dos de son ours qui se mit

Friend! cria-t-il d'une voix menaçante; ah! misérable Friend! Ici, viens ici! Et ramassant une grosse pierre, il la jeta