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If the government entertained the same opinion as his noble friend of prince de Talleyrand, it would be their duty to represent to His Majesty the king of the French that they could not transact business with such a person.

41 15 la ligne: in the French and English armies the term la ligne, 'the line, is applied ordinarily to the infantry of the regular army as opposed to the militia, cavalry, artillery, etc. In America the line includes all that part of the regular army whose business is actual fighting. 41 24 Crusoé: the final e of English proper names terminating in -oe is ordinarily pronounced in French; cf.

I certainly wish that I had been able to answer M. Thiers's note sooner, so that the reply would have been given to him instead of his successor; but I could not; I was overwhelmed with business of every sort and kind, and had no command of my time; I did not think however that the fact of M. Thiers having gone out of office was a reason for withholding my reply; the note of October contained important doctrines of public law which it was impossible for the British government to acquiesce in; and silence would have been construed as acquiescence.

After a hard struggle he was forced to give up his business at Nîmes and moved to Lyons . He was not successful here, and finally, in 1856, the family was broken up. The sons now had to shift for themselves. These first sixteen years of Alphonse Daudet's life were far from unhappy. He had found delight in exploring the abandoned factory at Nîmes.

La ville, qui n'a que 200,000 âmes maintenant, en comptera peut-être un million dans vingt ans , et, avant la fin du siècle sera la cité la plus populeuse de notre planète. Pour le moment elle est très-mouvementée, très-affairée, très-enfiévrée, pas du tout agréable pour un Français. De monuments publics, il y a peu ou point; de lieux de divertissements, je n'en ai pas entrevu l'ombre. Chacun s'occupe, chacun songe to make business. Les seules distractions sont la bar ou le café (méchante traduction d'une méchante chose); on s'y enivre. Le soir, l'ivresse n'est pas déplacée. En plein soleil c'est une infamie. Ainsi sont les gens, un peu partout d'ailleurs: ils répugnent

D'ailleurs, chez les transatlantiques, la toute-puissance de l'argent n'est pas exclusivement du côté de la barbe. Si Rockefeller y personnifie au suprême degré le business man, l'Amérique se flatte de compter une business woman tout