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From the fact that the romantic movement in France was, more emphatically than in England and Germany, a breach with the native literary tradition, there result several interesting pecularities. The first of these is that the new French school, instead of fighting the classicists with weapons drawn from the old arsenal of mediæval France, went abroad for allies.

Leipzig, Tauchnitz, 1871. White Heather, by WILLIAM BLACK. 2 vols. Leipzig, Tauchnitz, 1886. The Language and Literature of the Scottish Highlands, by JOHN STUART BLACKIE. Edinburgh, Edmonston and Douglas, 1876. Altavona, fact and fiction from my Life in the Highlands, by JOHN STUART BLACKIE. Edinburgh, David Douglas, 1882. Crieff. Its Traditions and Characters with anecdotes of Strathearn.

The Arab conquest about 700 A.D. made Arabic the dominant language of all North Africa to this day an important fact to remember and introduced the Arabs as a permanent population along the north edge of the Sahara.

On the other hand he felt that there could be no good taste in dwelling upon the virtue and the merit of a man's own acquaintance in an assembly like that of their Lordships; yet he trusted that he might be allowed to observe that forty years acquaintance with the noble individual who had been alluded to, enabled him to bear his testimony to the fact, that although those forty years had been passed during a time peculiarly fraught with calumnies of every description, there had been no man's private character more shamefully traduced, and no man's public character more mistaken and misrepresented, than the private and public character of prince de Talleyrand.

When M. Guizot, as ambassador here, read me Thiers's note of the 8 october, he said, if I mistake not, that he was not going to discuss with me the arguments or the doctrines contained in it, and that he was not responsible for them. In fact I clearly perceived that M. Guizot saw through the numerous fallacies and false doctrines which that note contained.

144 C'est que: 'the fact is that'. 14 5 Je sens deux hommes en moi: see Romans vii, Galatians v, 17. One of the distinctive features of the religion of St Paul was its insistence upon an internal conflict between the higher and lower impulses of man.

The mere fact, officially declared by M. Guizot, that the government, the Legislature and the people of France earnestly demand a revision of these engagements, while they profess at the same time an undiminished desire to attain the objects for which they were contracted, would afford to Her Majesty's government a sufficent reason for agreeing to the proposed enquiry.