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The guard comes up because there are knives unsheathed and money missing. 4. One evening he strayed into the middle of this crowd. 5. The hero was thinking of the peace of his heart, when suddenly angry voices rose. 6. I am twenty francs short. 7. I ask no better. 8. He was proud to make the acquaintance of the prince whose title had dazzled him. 9. He turned toward Tartarin sneering. 10.

However, Mme. de Sévigné's letters leave us wholly in the dark as to when this intimacy began. Sainte-Beuve holds that it was about 1665, and makes a strong argument for his view of the matter. D'Haussonville believes that this remarkable union was the result of long acquaintance and slowly ripening friendship, the acquaintance having begun in the years following Mme. de La Fayette's marriage, that is, between 1655 and 1665. He sums up the matter as follows: "Une chose est certaine: c'est que La Rochefoucauld s'est emparé peu

De La Ferrière, in his Projets de Mariage de la Reine Elisabeth, says: "Elisabeth was very desirous of making the acquaintance of the Duke of Nemours. She received the Count of Randan and directed the conversation upon the Duke. Randan drew so flattering a picture of the latter that he soon awakened in her a spark of love which could easily be perceived in the face and manner of the Queen.