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52 29 cité: 'city. This term, in English as well as in French, is applied in some cases to the oldest portion of a city, eg 'the City' of London, 'the City' of Paris. 53 3 janissaires: 'janizaries, the standing army of Turkey till 1826; a corps of most turbulent history, full of lawless arrogance toward civilians and Christians.

At last he will come and stand before him. 2. They are face to face. 3. They looked at each other. 4. Both were standing, Tartarin on one side, the lion on the other. 5. Up to that time he had not yawned in his face. 6. He rose with an air of supreme contempt. 7. At first he was stupefied, but after a moment he rushed toward the door. 8. Do not stir. 9.

At the age of twenty-three he was taken into the confidence of Henry II. and gained universal favor by his agreeable and flattering address. In early life he was appointed Archbishop of Rheims and not long after was made cardinal. At first he was inclined to favor the Protestants, but subsequently used his influence toward their extermination.

Qui était dans l'omnibus? 5. Qu'est-ce que les dames mauresques venaient de faire? 6. Qu'a fait celle qui était assise en face de lui? 7. Pourquoi ne pouvait-il pas voir la figure de la dame? 8. Est-ce qu'il a vu son poignet? 9. Qu'est-ce que ses mouvements disaient? 10. Tartarin s'est-il fourré? He ended by turning his eye toward the table. 2. Their eyes make the gold pieces frisk. 3.

He was shortly after suspected of complicity in the conspiracy of Amboise, and was imprisoned in the Bastille by order of Francis II. During his life at Court he had been passionately loved by Catherine de Medici, but he showed only indifference toward her. She avenged herself later on by ill-treating him, and it is suspected that his death was caused by poison given to him by her order.

Mistral said that the real Tartarin lived at Nîmes, eighteen miles from Tarascon, to the west of the Rhone, and was no other than Raynaud, Daudet's own cousin. Raynaud recognized himself in Tartarin and became very angry with Daudet; the reconciliation between the cousins was not effected till toward the end of the novelist's life."

William of Orange mounted his horse, and, followed by his officer, rode off at full speed toward his camp, in order to be with his troops when the news should arrive of the death of the de Witts. The murder of these men had greatly strengthened his position as Stadtholder.

Thereupon the camel hobbled down the station stairs. 7. That is what brought the Tarasconians' joy to the climax. 8. Tartarin calmly directed his steps toward his house, followed by his fellow-countrymen. 9. Tartarin, red with happiness, began the tale of his hunt 10. The Caphunters took his arm familiarly.