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13. Les magistrats dont les fonctions ne sont pas temporaires (holding their offices during good behaviour) peuvent cependant être révoqués par le vote simultané des deux chambres. Mais il faut que les deux tiers de tous les représentants élus et la majorité des membres du sénat consentent

7 26 dire: 'to say, 'relate impressively, 'sing', cf. 24 21 Robert le Diable: 'Robert the Devil, a famous opera by Meyerbeer, text by Scribe . The story, widespread throughout Europe during the Middle Ages and later, is concerned with the struggle of a pious mother to rescue her son from the devil. She is successful Robert saves Rome from the Saracens and ends his life as a hermit.

10 22 par les lourdes après-midi d'été: 'during the sultry summer afternoons. Note the use of par in statements relating to the weather; cf. 32 1, 63 17.

"Le Petit Chose," his first long work, had been begun in 1866 during his stay in Provence; it was published in 1868. The first part, which is of great interest, is largely autobiographical and covers the childhood and youth of the writer up to his first years in Paris; the second part is a colorless romance of no particular merit.

The teachers belong to that class of ratés, artistic and literary failures, whom Daudet learned to know well during his first years in Paris. One of these ratés captivates Ida de Barency, and Jack's life of misery continues.

A ghastly face-wound at the hands of the English at Boulogne got him the name of "Balafré." He wielded great influence at Court and was a chief promoter of the persecution of the Huguenots, figuring prominently in the Massacre of Vassy and the siege of Rouen. During his attack on Orleans he was shot by a Protestant named Poltrot de Méré. He was by far the ablest of the Guises.

3. Le chancelier et les juges de la cour suprême conserveront leurs fonctions tant qu'ils les rempliront bien (during good behaviour) , mais pas au-del

These established his reputation as a writer of taste, and during the next twenty years he wrote a large number of stories and tales, most of which were originally published in newspapers and reviews. His constant aim was not only to please the reading public, but also to inculcate the principles of sound morality.

28 24 vinaigre des quatre-voleurs: 'thieves' vinegar, a kind of aromatic vinegar, formerly used as a disinfectant. The name is derived from the fact that this concoction was popularly supposed to have rendered immune from contagion certain thieves who were pillaging the city of Toulouse during a severe plague .

At the age of twenty he married Claude, daughter of Louis XII., and succeeded his father-in-law, January 1, 1515. His first act was to undertake the conquest of the French possessions in Italy which had been lost during the reign of Louis XII. He was successful and regained Milan with Lombardy.