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«It is impossible for any one to be more desirous of supporting the spanish government tham I am, whenever they are right, and especially against France. But in this case, we think them decidedly wrong; and I regret very much that your usually sound judgment should have been led to a different conclusion.

The undersigned therefore in transmitting to M. Guizot the accompanying papers, in order that they may be made known to the French Government, begs to assure M. Guizot that he makes the communication not in consequence of any doubt which Her Majesty's Government entertain of the sincerity and good faith of the Government of France, but because it is fitting that, in a matter of such deep importance to the peace of Europe, the French Government should know how much the language which is reported to have been used by one of his diplomatic agents differs from that which the French Government itself has held.

There is a contrast of which we may have reason to be proud, between the progress of our arms in the East and the operations which a neighbouring power, France, is now carrying on in Africa.

Ivana arrivait, en effet... Elle était hâve avec une flamme sombre au fond de ses yeux magnifiques, déguenillée, les cheveux tordus farouchement sur le sommet de la tête et retenus par une écharpe flottante; elle avait passé un pantalon de fantassin que retenait

For this reason I would rather wish that the tract of country alluded to, should be kept uninhabited as long as possible, and have therefore refused the repeated solicitations of many of the people of Vermont who call themselves our friends, and of several Loyalists, for grants of lands on that frontier.

Nombre d'aventures et de détails évoquent en outre des souvenirs de l'histoire grecque ou romaine: Le dévouement de Yamadou Hâvé rappelle celui du Romain Décius, du Grec Codrus ou du Suisse Arnold de Winkelried. La folie d'Amady Sy, élevant une gueule tapée

But her society was still much sought after; for a notice of her death in the Mercure galant, tells us that when she could no longer go to the Court, the Court might be said to have come to her.

Lahure in a manner equally spirited, liberal, and generous. It has been made with the greatest care, and its many difficulties have been combated with unusual skill, intelligence and perseverance.

Count Montholon wished to have the words «Napoléon,

Hitherto, less fortunate in France than in Germany, I have only been known to French readers not thoroughly acquainted with the English language, through occasional, fragmentary and unauthorized translations over which I have had no control, and from which I have derived no advantage. The present translation of my writings was proposed to me by Messrs. L. Hachette and Co. and Ch.