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This spirited translation from the German ballad by Goethe has probably never been printed. The handwriting is about 1798, and the translation was well known to some of Sir Walter's early friends. Lent by Messrs. A. & Ch. Black.

It must clearly be made known that the object of the commission is not to get rid of the treaties, but to ascertain the possibility of adopting measures by which they may advantageously be replaced.

However, when they came to the fair they claimed to have known over there a man whose description tallied with his. 8. He was making for Paris. 9. When he had read that, Tartarin was ashamed of himself. 10. You think he is hunting lions in Africa.

The picture which follows is interesting, it is overdrawn, however, since Algeria never was, and certainly is not today, as bad as Daudet paints it. 80 28 Zouzou: military slang for zouave. 81 1 le sergent La Ramée, le brigadier Pitou: popular names for the French soldier, the English "Tommy Atkins." 81 3 su: 'known how, 'been able.

9 14 cheval de trompette: 'trumpeter's horse, 'war-horse. Trompette = 'trumpet, 'trumpeter. He was well known to the Parisian populace. 9 20 bien sanglé ... futaine: 'in his tight-fitting fustian shooting-jacket. Sangler= 'to bind with a girth, 'to strap'; cf. un officier sanglé 'an officer with a tight-fitting coat on. 9 21 se montrant ... ils se disaient: cf. note to 7 2.

Of the nature of this union and of the talk it gave rise to, we shall not speak. Mme. de Sévigné tells all that need be known. "Leur mauvaise santé," writes she, "les rendoit comme nécessaires l'un

In an article which appeared in "Les Annales," July 6, 1913, Charles Le Goffic tells of a visit to the house in Tarascon known as la maison de Tartarin, and reports a conversation he had with Mistral, the great Provençal poet, an intimate friend of Daudet.

The Bohemia of Paris, a glimpse of the country, and especially the life of the artisan, fill "Jack" . Daudet had known the real Jack at Champrosay in 1868. In the novel Jack is the illegitimate son of Ida de Barency, a shallow demi-mondaine who is passionately devoted to the boy but brings to him nothing but misfortune.

23 13 selon la mode antique: there is no evidence that ancient runners carried pebbles in their mouths Daudet is perhaps thinking of the well known story about Demosthenes Modern runners carry something, not usually pebbles, in their mouths to induce themselves to hold the mouth shut and breathe through the nose, and also to keep the mouth moist by inciting the flow of saliva.

The undersigned therefore in transmitting to M. Guizot the accompanying papers, in order that they may be made known to the French Government, begs to assure M. Guizot that he makes the communication not in consequence of any doubt which Her Majesty's Government entertain of the sincerity and good faith of the Government of France, but because it is fitting that, in a matter of such deep importance to the peace of Europe, the French Government should know how much the language which is reported to have been used by one of his diplomatic agents differs from that which the French Government itself has held.