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Je les donnerai ici de mémoire. The prostitution of his muse and wife, Both beautiful, and both by him debased, Shall salt his bread and give him means of life. «La prostitution de sa muse et de sa femme, belles toutes deux, toutes deux déshonorées par lui, salera son pain et le fera vivre.

I need not tell you that this affair has been the cause of great vexation. If M. de Salvandy should not have yet left Madrid, I shall not despair of your being able to bring it to some adjustment. But there will be violent speeches in the Cortes, both governments will become more deeply pledged, and every day will add to the difficulty.

DUC DE FERRARE. Alphonso II. of Este, Duke of Ferrara, was the son of Hercules of Ferrara and grandson of Alphonso I. He was a cousin of Henry II. and served in all the military expeditions of this monarch. He was a great favorite at Court and made a great display both in his own country and in Italy, whither he accompanied the French King. His brother was the famous Cardinal d'Este.

C'est vous qui êtes la cause de tous mes tourments, en faisant votre diable de bibliothèque qui empêche M. Fould de dormir. Il veut en avoir une aussi, et je m'écrie comme Mercutio: A plague on both your houses! Depuis quelques jours, je préside la commission chargée de porter la lumière dans cette noire caverne.

It has been superintended, above ail, by an accomplished gentleman, perfectly acquainted with both languages, and able, with a rare felicity, to be perfectly faithful to the English text, while rendering it in elegant and expressive French.

Paymaster of His Majesty's 78th Regt. of Foot or his assigns, the sum of two thousand one hundred and sixty three pounds nineteen shillings and six pence sterling, being for subsistence of said Regiment between the 24th day of February and the 24th day of April 1760, both days inclusive, as p. account annexed, and for so doing this with the acquittance of the said Lieut.

4 19 Camargue a vast marshy delta at the mouth of the Rhone See Daudet's "En Camargue," in "Lettres de mon moulin". 4 23 il ne reste plus ... que: 'there remains nothing now, but' Il is impersonal, cf. 5 23, 8 1, 58 28 Ne plus = 'no longer, ne que = 'only, the same ne serving for both plus and que, cf. line 30, 23 3, 27-28, ne ... guère que 5 26, 1 17.