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Long years of suffering follow, but, although in almost constant pain, the indefatigable worker remains at his desk. In "Souvenirs d'un homme de lettres" and "Trente Ans de Paris" Daudet tells the story of his life and literary activity. It is through these works that we become intimately acquainted with our author, and we are not disillusioned.

Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, by Sir WALTER SCOTT, 2 vols. Paris, Baudry's European Library, 1898. Scotish Ballads and Songs, Historical and Traditionary, edited by JAMES MAIDMENT. Edinburgh, William Paterson, 1868. Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway Song, by R. H. CROMEK. Paisley, Alexander Gardner, 1880.

4 19 Camargue a vast marshy delta at the mouth of the Rhone See Daudet's "En Camargue," in "Lettres de mon moulin". 4 23 il ne reste plus ... que: 'there remains nothing now, but' Il is impersonal, cf. 5 23, 8 1, 58 28 Ne plus = 'no longer, ne que = 'only, the same ne serving for both plus and que, cf. line 30, 23 3, 27-28, ne ... guère que 5 26, 1 17.

Pourquoy souvent je mets soubz mon pié ce, Prenant confort d'espoir, comme celluy Qui me fye parfaitement en luy, Ainsi remains qui le croiroit en piece. Assez pourveu, etc. Puisqu'Amour veult que banny soye De son hostel, sans revenir, Je voy bien qu'il m'en fault partir, Effacé du livre de Joye. Plus demourer je n'y pourroye, Car pas ne doy ce mois servir. Puisqu'Amour, etc. De son hostel, etc.

7 22 Nîmes: Daudet's birthplace, an ancient city with remarkable Roman remains, eighteen miles west of Tarascon. 7 25 après s'être bien fait prier: 'after having been begged a long time'; cf. je me fais prier, je me suis fait prier.