United States or Saint Martin ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Henry, however, soon afterwards united with the Emperor and the Papacy against Francis; the French troops in Italy were defeated and Francis was captured at Pavia and carried as prisoner to Madrid. He was released the next year. From this time almost till his death he was engaged in expeditions against the German Emperor, and on two occasions went so far as to make an alliance with the Turks.

The Canadians and Indians at the left having come helter-skelter, the woods being full of them, running with undaunted courage right down hill upon us, expecting to make us flee as they had before done at the , and just now did to our menExtrait d'une lettre du général américain Pomeroy, alors colonel dans les milices de New-York,

That to make war with the Mohawks, would expose the Indians, who were neighbours to the English, some of whom professed christianity, etc.

He surrendered in 1847, was carried to France as a prisoner by a breach of faith, was released in 1852 on his oath to make no more trouble, went to Damascus and lived there till his death in 1883, using his influence in favor of the French. 50 19 de toute la route: 'during the whole ride, 'all the way.

4 9-10 le moindre: 'the least' le plus petit: 'the smallest'. 4 14 Rhône 'Rhone, the great river of southeastern France, in the heart of Provence diablement: 'deucedly' Diable and Dieu are used very freely in French. 4 16 du poil et de la plume 'of fur and feathers' est très mal note 'has a black mark against its name', noter= 'to note, 'to mark, 'to make a note of'.

An auld mason make a gude barrowman. Un vieux maçon fait un bon brouetteur. (

La ville, qui n'a que 200,000 âmes maintenant, en comptera peut-être un million dans vingt ans , et, avant la fin du siècle sera la cité la plus populeuse de notre planète. Pour le moment elle est très-mouvementée, très-affairée, très-enfiévrée, pas du tout agréable pour un Français. De monuments publics, il y a peu ou point; de lieux de divertissements, je n'en ai pas entrevu l'ombre. Chacun s'occupe, chacun songe to make business. Les seules distractions sont la bar ou le café (méchante traduction d'une méchante chose); on s'y enivre. Le soir, l'ivresse n'est pas déplacée. En plein soleil c'est une infamie. Ainsi sont les gens, un peu partout d'ailleurs: ils répugnent

Ce dicton se retrouve en Angleterre: Like Banbury tinkers who in stropping one hole make two Comme les chaudronniers de Banbury qui, en bouchant un trou, en font deux. Les chaudronniers sédentaires ont moins que les ambulants, dont ils diffèrent d'ailleurs, attiré l'attention populaire.

My reader would like to put the crossing of a great painter at the head of this episode. 2. Show me it first on board the Zouave, then show me how it was when Tartarin felt the first pangs. 3. Put it before my eyes. 4. In three days one can make the voyage from France to Algeria. 5. I shall show it to you struggling with the waves. 6. It begins to stand erect on the hero's skull. 7.

Qui était dans l'omnibus? 5. Qu'est-ce que les dames mauresques venaient de faire? 6. Qu'a fait celle qui était assise en face de lui? 7. Pourquoi ne pouvait-il pas voir la figure de la dame? 8. Est-ce qu'il a vu son poignet? 9. Qu'est-ce que ses mouvements disaient? 10. Tartarin s'est-il fourré? He ended by turning his eye toward the table. 2. Their eyes make the gold pieces frisk. 3.