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His school days at Lyons were equally agreeable to the young vagabond. His studies occupied him little; he loved to wander through the streets of the great city, finding everywhere food for fanciful speculation. He would follow a person he did not know, scrutinizing his every movement, and striving to lose his own identity in that of the other, to live the other's life.

Aussi Rosa avait-elle pris une résolution pendant cette nuit terrible, pendant cette nuit d'insomnie qu'elle avait passée. Cette résolution, c'était de ne plus revenir au guichet. Cornelius anxiously awaited the evening visit. But Rosa did not come that day, nor the next, nor the next. At last Cornelius understood that he had offended the girl, and that she thought he loved only the tulip.

If the rich Carrack, that creeps o'er the tide, Pisombo, Pisombo! were offered to me My own loved bark, would I take her for thee?

The romantic attachment of Don Carlos to her is vividly depicted in Schiller's drama, though it must be borne in mind that Schiller's picture is very far from being an accurate historical representation. Her death took place shortly after that of Don Carlos. "She was," says Brantôme, "the best princess of her time, and was loved by every one.

He was shortly after suspected of complicity in the conspiracy of Amboise, and was imprisoned in the Bastille by order of Francis II. During his life at Court he had been passionately loved by Catherine de Medici, but he showed only indifference toward her. She avenged herself later on by ill-treating him, and it is suspected that his death was caused by poison given to him by her order.

His thoroughly human and sympathetic nature made him a favorite with all who knew him, especially with the laboring classes, with whom he loved to associate. It is to this circumstance that we owe "Les Confessions d'un Ouvrier."