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EMILE SOUVESTRE was born at Morlaix in Brittany, April 15, 1806. His father was a civil engineer, and he intended following the same profession. After his father's death he changed his mind and began to study law, but being ambitious to shine as a writer he soon abandoned the law also.

21 10-12 Et autrement ... au moins: 'I say, you surely have heard the news That depends What is it? Tartarin's departure, perhaps? Et autrement and au moins cannot be translated literally See the paragraph following in the text. 21 15 mouain: = moins misspelled to indicate a pronuntiation as two syllables instead of one. 21 16

The illustrations in the following articles are of interest: J. A. HAMMERTON, "The Town of Tartarin," in The Critic, vol. 47, pp 317 ff.

The following may also be consulted: J. BRIVOIS, Essai de bibliographie des oeuvres de M. Alphonse Daudet, Paris, 1895. H. C

Nemours then lavished money on his apparel, arms, and horses; the King also aided him with his purse, and the flower of the young nobility contended for the honor of following him to England; but at the last moment the expedition 'se rompit et demeura court, for, continues the chronicler, 'd'autres amours serroient le cœur du duc et le tenoient captif."

The early education of Mme. de La Fayette for by this name we can best speak of her was made the special care of her father, "un père en qui le mérite égaloit la tendresse." Later, she was put under Ménage, and possibly Rapin. Segrais, with his usual garrulousness, tells the following story: "Trois mois après que Mme. de La Fayette eut commencé d'apprendre le latin, elle en savoit déj