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Surely it would have been better if he had never gone to Paris, but, like his friend Mistral, had remained in Provence and devoted his essentially poetic genius to an expression of the spirit of the south. His keenly sensitive nature was too delicate for intercourse with the virility of a Zola or the subtlety of a Goncourt. Paris made of him a realist, and the world lost by the transformation.

The success of "Fromont jeune et Risler aîné" was immediate, and in his succeeding novels he confirmed more and more surely his right to a place in the front rank of French novelists. From this story of the life of the petite bourgeoisie he turns to a wider field.

Great lion-hunters pull the kid's foot with a string. 4. Nothing came all the same. 5. Not being afraid, Tartarin cried louder. 6. Something black stooped in front of him. 7. That is surely a lion! 8. Suddenly Tartarin became silent. 9. Nothing answered the shot. 10. He was afraid and made a leap backward.

21 10-12 Et autrement ... au moins: 'I say, you surely have heard the news That depends What is it? Tartarin's departure, perhaps? Et autrement and au moins cannot be translated literally See the paragraph following in the text. 21 15 mouain: = moins misspelled to indicate a pronuntiation as two syllables instead of one. 21 16

43 20 ne devaient pas être: 'ought not to be, 'surely were not, 'could not be', see note to 2 10. 43 29 crut devoir: 'thought he had better'; see note to 2 10. 43 31 Et autrement: cf. note to 21 10. 44 1 Vous avez tué? ... voyez plutôt: 'killed any? Oh, yes some just take a look for yourself. With pas mal 'not badly' cf. j'ai tué pas mal de bécasses 'I killed quite a number of woodcocks.