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43 20 ne devaient pas être: 'ought not to be, 'surely were not, 'could not be', see note to 2 10. 43 29 crut devoir: 'thought he had better'; see note to 2 10. 43 31 Et autrement: cf. note to 21 10. 44 1 Vous avez tué? ... voyez plutôt: 'killed any? Oh, yes some just take a look for yourself. With pas mal 'not badly' cf. j'ai tué pas mal de bécasses 'I killed quite a number of woodcocks.

I understood the question which was put to me to be whether any agreement had been made between England and France to interpose by force to put an end to that war; and I said that no formal agreement of any kind had been made between the two governments; and certainly none of that kind had taken place, but that a formal application had been made some time before, by the government of Montevideo, for our mediation, and that we had instructed M. Mandeville to offer it to the other party, the Buenos-Ayres government; I ought perhaps also to have mentioned the conversation which I had had with baron Bourqueney, and in which he proposed, on the part of his government, that our representatives at Buenos-Ayres should communicate and assist each other in this matter; but in the hurry of reply, it did not occur to me that that conversation came within the reach of the question.

He felt it necessary, therefore, to speak as he had spoken respecting these aspersions of the character of an individual whose station ought to have shielded him from such an assault.

«I do not understand that M. de Salvandy has made any pretensions, as a family Ambassador, or has attempted to revive any old privileges of access to the Queen, except under such regulations as the government may deem necessary or expedient. Anything else, of course, ought to be strenuously resisted. With the end of the family compact, the French ambassador must be like any other.