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Secondly M. Guizot mentioned my reply to a question in the house of commons about the war between Buenos-Ayres and Montevideo.

It is very unlikely that I should have intentionally done any thing that could be personally disagreeable to him. You say he mentioned three circumstances with regard to which he seemed to think I had taken a course unnecessarily embarrassing to him, and I will try to explain to you my course upon each occasion.

To avoid the difficulties and secure the advantages mentioned, we have chosen the Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault and Madame de Beaumont. The department of literature thus sought as the means of instruction in language, supplies, as our own experience has amply demonstrated, agreeable and attractive material for beginners of all ages and conditions.

[Note 64: That the ministry, after my return to Britain, were sensible how desesperate the navigation was in those seas; and yet that they were as industrious to conceal it, appears not only by the author of the Post-Man being found fault with for giving an account thereof in his paper, but also that the Gazette mentioned nothing of the loss of the Feversham and three store ships laden with provisions following us to Quebec; which accident may furnish matter for some not frivolous speculations. Introduction p. 24. L'amiral Walker de retour de sa malheureuse expédition, fut mis