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La mère de lord Winchilsea, lady Charlotte Finch, était gouvernante des princesses d'Angleterre. Je vis les trois plus jeunes chez elle plusieurs fois. Elles étaient beaucoup plus âgées que moi et ne me plurent nullement. La princesse Amélie m'appela little thing, ce qui me choqua infiniment. Je parlais très bien anglais, mais je ne savais pas encore que c'était un terme d'affection.

What is yonder white thing in the forest? Is it snow, or can it swans perchance be? Traduction de W. Edmondstoune Aytoun, dans les Poems and Ballads of Goethe, Edimbourg, 1859, pp. 106-110. «The Doleful Lay of the Wife of Asan-AgaWhat is yon so white beside the greenwood? Is it snow, or flight of sygnets resting?

St-Céran ... toute une année, De bals et de fleurs couronnée, Nous laisse un heureux souvenir. But in mans dwelling, he became a thing Restless, and worn, and stern, and wearisome, Drop'd as a wild born talon with clept wings, To whom the boundless air alone were home.

26 13 En un tour de main: 'in a turning of the hand, 'like a flash'. 26 16 Le fusil de maître Gervais Toujours on le charge, toujours on le charge Le fusil de maître Geivais Toujours on le charge, il ne part Jamais. 26 27 il fait bon: 'it's a pleasant thing'. 27 4 portait toute sa barbe: 'wore a full beard'.

L'auteur anglais dit plus loin: «One thing is certain, viz: to play with proper feeling and correct execution the Préludes and Studies of Chopin, is to be neither more nor less than a finished pianist and moreover, to comprehend them thoroughly, to give a life and a tongue to their infinite and most eloquent subtleties of expression, involves the necessity of being in no less a degree a poet than a pianist, a thinker than a musician.

One thing alone can cure us from being ourselves!... Yes; strictly speaking, the question is not how to get cured, but how to live. Joseph Conrad. Lord Jim, p. 226.

8 1 il allait se passer: 'there was going to happen'; cf. note to 4 23. quelque chose de grand: 'something great'; note the de Cf. quelque chose d'informe 35 21, quelque chose de noir 45 18. 8 6 bis: Latin, 'twice, indicating that a thing is to be repeated. 8 9 A vous, Tartarin: 'your turn, Tartarin! 8 13 en bon Méridional: 'like a true Southerner'; cf. note to 5 20.

That every thing which I said of those proceedings is true, is proved by the French newspapers, and even by the general orders of French generals.

La Sirène était commandée par le capitaine Clenricard, véritable type de la pensée de l'auteur du Corsaire: He knew himself a villain but he deemd The rest no better than the thing he seem'd.

Note 33: Every thing should be put to its proper use in this world, chaque chose doit être appropriée