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He felt it necessary, therefore, to speak as he had spoken respecting these aspersions of the character of an individual whose station ought to have shielded him from such an assault.

«I do not understand that M. de Salvandy has made any pretensions, as a family Ambassador, or has attempted to revive any old privileges of access to the Queen, except under such regulations as the government may deem necessary or expedient. Anything else, of course, ought to be strenuously resisted. With the end of the family compact, the French ambassador must be like any other.

The town of Québec is poorly, but the ground round about it is rocky. To invest the place and cut off all communications with the colony it will be necessary to encamp with our right to the river St. Lawrence and our left to the river St. Charles

I shall cause a railing to be put round the whole of the ground, it being necessary even for the preservation of the willows, many sprigs from which had already began to be taken by different individuals who went down to visit the place after the corpse was interred. EXTRAIT D'UNE D

But in assenting to the suggestion of M. Guizot, your Excellency cannot too strongly impress upon his mind how much will depend upon the character of the persons who may be selected as commissioners, in order to inspire the necessary degree of confidence, and to ensure any useful result.