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Surely it would have been better if he had never gone to Paris, but, like his friend Mistral, had remained in Provence and devoted his essentially poetic genius to an expression of the spirit of the south. His keenly sensitive nature was too delicate for intercourse with the virility of a Zola or the subtlety of a Goncourt. Paris made of him a realist, and the world lost by the transformation.

Daudet's first intention was to entitle this work "Nord et midi," his idea being to contrast the north with the south, a theme for which he always had a predilection. Numa is a refined Tartarin; Daudet sends him to Paris, and studies the result. Numa carries all before him by his robust vigor and geniality.

If a true child of the south, such as Tartarin or Bompard, were placed in a position of trust, he would not prove equal to the occasion and the result would be a Numa Roumestan. That is Daudet's verdict, and certainly his decision is not flattering to the south.

They are not liars: they are suffering simply from the effects of a mirage. To understand what is meant by a mirage, you must go to the south of France. There you will find a magic sun which transforms everything, which takes a molehill and makes of it a mountain.

Afin d'éviter le corps du colonel Johnson et de dérober sa marche aux ennemis, il remonta par le lac Champlain, et alla débarquer dans la baie du Grand-Marais (South Bay)

87 12 cochinchinoises: 'from Cochin China, a part of Indo-China, at the south of the Siam peninsula, a French colony since its conquest in 1859-1867. 87 16 ce qu'il advint de: 'what became of. Advenir is used only impersonally. 87 20 encore: 'after all. 87 21 d'un placement difficile: 'hard to dispose of.

Tous ces timbres sont du même type; ils représentent une vue des chutes de Victoria surmontées de British South Africa Company en deux lignes; aux angles supérieurs le millésime 1905 et, aux angles inférieurs, la valeur dans des cartouches en forme d'étoiles.

Jusqu'au jour l'on aura unifié les monnaies, le voyageur est obligé de changer ses valeurs dans chaque pays. Il y a deux banques ici: une anglaise, la London Bank of Mexico and south America; l'autre, française, sous le nom de Banco méridional de Mexico. Cette dernière, de création récente, est sortie d'un traité passé entre le gouvernement mexicain et la banque franco-égyptienne.

Il sortait vers onze heures de chez lord Henry il avait dîné, et était enveloppé d'épaisses fourrures, la nuit étant très froide et brumeuse. Au coin de Grosvenor Square et de South Audley Street, un homme passa tout près de lui dans le brouillard, marchant très vite, le col de son lustre gris relevé. Il avait une valise

It began to appear in the Petit Moniteur universel, but did not appeal to the readers of this popular newspaper. "Port-Tarascon" is the last and poorest of the series. Tartarin leads his compatriots in a colonizing expedition to the South Seas, and then brings them home again.