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Of all the characters that appear in Daudet's novels it is perhaps Frédérique whose appeal to the reader is strongest, and Frédérique is almost entirely the product of the author's imagination.

It began to appear in the Petit Moniteur universel, but did not appeal to the readers of this popular newspaper. "Port-Tarascon" is the last and poorest of the series. Tartarin leads his compatriots in a colonizing expedition to the South Seas, and then brings them home again.

My dear Bulwer, I am very sorry to find, from your letter of last week, that you observed, in your conversation with M. Guizot, that there is an impression in his mind that, upon certain occasions which you mention, I appear not to have felt sufficient consideration for his ministerial position; and you would much oblige me, if you should have an opportunity of doing so, by endeavouring to assure him that nothing has been farther from my intention then so to act.

27 16 tenait bon: 'stood its ground firmly', adverbial use of the adjective cf.sentir bon and the corresponding English 'to smell good'. 27 27 fit: cf. note to 21 22. 28 8 il lui prit la main: 'he took his hand', cf. note to 12 25. 28 12 Bompard: the personages of "Tartarin de Tarascon" appear in other novels of Daudet. For Bompard see particularly "Numa Roumestan."