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They are indeed aware that the exercise of this right cannot fail to be attended with some inconvenience; and they would willingly see the adoption of any measures which should be as effectual for the accomplishment of the great end in view, and which should not be liable to the same objections.

15 21 vous apparaissait d'une hauteur! 'was a wonderful thing indeed! Vous is the common ethical dative, to be omitted in translation, cf. the Shakespearean "Knock me that door!" and "There's perfection for you! " D'une hauteur! suppression for emphasis far more frequent in French than in English, cf.30 17, 49 25 Note the play on the words haut, Hauteur 14 5 n'entendait ... oreille-l

The old order of fiction had indeed already fallen into contempt; Boileau and others had dealt it fatal blows, but the finishing stroke was justly due to Mme. de La Fayette. And the world has ever gladly owned its debt to her. La Princesse de Clèves is an historical romance. The historical interest is, however, the least of its charms.

[Note 7: It is marring indeed, if he quarter it. Shallow lui a dit qu'il pouvait écarteler en se mariant (marrying). Evans lui répond qu'en effet écarteler (quarter) est le moyen de tout gâter (marring). Ce jeu de mots était impossible

In the "Lettres de mon moulin" the writer is still in sympathy with his native land, while in the earliest of the "Tartarin" series, "Tartarin de Tarascon," there is already a spirit of disdainful raillery which Daudet learned in Paris. Tarascon was piqued when "Tartarin de Tarascon" appeared. Indeed, there is more than a little in the book that may well offend local pride.

Voici tout le passage, et cette suite de jeux de mots qui sont bien dans les habitudes d'esprit du temps, mais auxquels il a été impossible de trouver un équivalent en français: O, how that name befits my composition! Old Gaunt, indeed; and gaunt in being old: Within me grief hath kept a tedious fast, And who abstains from meat and is not gaunt?