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[Note 146: Robertson. History of Scotland, Book I. Voir le commencement du règne de Jacques V. Hill Burton. History of Scotland, tom. III, chapitre XXXVIII; Power of the Clergy. Buckle. History of Civilisation in England, tom. III, chap. II; les cinquante premières pages. Merle d'Aubigné. Histoire de la Réformation en Europe, etc.

It is interesting, however, to read a letter of hers touching this point, for it shows, apart from other things, what opinion her contemporaries had of her masterpiece. As for me, I am flattered at being suspected, and I think I should acknowledge the book if I were sure that the author would never claim it of me.

Dorian Gray jeta son pardessus et son chapeau sur une table et entra dans la bibliothèque. Il marcha de long on large pendant un quart d'heure, se mordant les lèvres, et réfléchissant. Puis il prit sur un rayon le Blue Book et commença

Such works, too, consisting of a continuous narrative, present to most students the discouraging prospect of a formidable undertaking which they fear will never be completed. On the other hand, a mere book of fables, although free from the last objection, is, in general, too narrow in its scope to fulfil the desired end.

"I believe that I shall carry away with me," he said, "many curious observations on my race, its virtues, its faults". And in speaking of the "Lettres de mon moulin," the only volume of his works in which his southern nature is given free rein, he says many years after its publication, after he had written his best novels, "That is still my favorite book."

J'adopte l'opinion de M. Thomson (The Land and the Book, II, 34 et suiv.), d'après laquelle la Gergésa de Matthieu (VIII, 28), identique

Washington Irving, dans son excellent ouvrage The Sketch Book (le livre d'esquisses), nous raconte le trait suivant: «Me trouvant chez un ami, le matin de Noël, alors que j'étais encore au lit, j'entendis le bruit de petits pas qui résonnaient

Il est imprimé in-4°, 79 pages, et porte au verso cette note: «This was the first book printed by Ballantyne of Kelso only twelve copies were thrown off and none for saleLe titre exact est: AN A thing of shreds and patches. De même elle fait défaut dans les Tales of Wonder auxquels elle fut destinée.

Tandis que l'Autriche et l'Angleterre, entièrement d'accord, et même l'Allemagne et l'Italie, acceptaient comme inévitable l'union des deux Bulgaries et que la Porte s'y résignait, la Russie la combattit avec acharnement, contrairement aux sentiments de la nation russe, car nous voyons dans le Blue Book anglais (B. B., I, n° 161) que les officiers russes

In the "Lettres de mon moulin" the writer is still in sympathy with his native land, while in the earliest of the "Tartarin" series, "Tartarin de Tarascon," there is already a spirit of disdainful raillery which Daudet learned in Paris. Tarascon was piqued when "Tartarin de Tarascon" appeared. Indeed, there is more than a little in the book that may well offend local pride.