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Apart from M. de La Rochefoucauld, La Fontaine was the only one of the many great men of her time with whom Mme. de La Fayette was on terms of friendship. Boileau has left his opinion of our author in a pithy sentence. "Mme. de La Fayette," said he, "est la femme qui écrit le mieux et qui a le plus d'esprit." But this is all.

The scene purports to be laid in the Court of Henry II.; but the manners and the personages, apart from their names are all those of the Court of Louis XIV. Certain critics have endeavored to trace the character of Mme. de La Fayette in that of the Princess of Clèves, of M. de La Rochefoucauld in that of M. de Nemours; but too strict an autobiographical interpretation destroys the charm of the story.

It is interesting, however, to read a letter of hers touching this point, for it shows, apart from other things, what opinion her contemporaries had of her masterpiece. As for me, I am flattered at being suspected, and I think I should acknowledge the book if I were sure that the author would never claim it of me.

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