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Her checkered career from this time on is well known. He was married to Mary Stuart in 1558 and the next year ascended the throne of France. Owing to his weak health and mental incapacity the affairs of the kingdom fell into the hands of the Guises, uncles of Mary Stuart. This led to great discontent among the people, which was aggravated by the fierce religious factions of the times.

91 14 vengeance: Tartarin's vengeance is a delightful bit of humor. 91 16 monta encore: 'ascended still higher. 91 21 Mostaganem: a city on the Mediterranean, west of Algiers. 91 25 curé: it is amusing to hear Tartarin apply the title of the respected French parish priest to the rascally muezzin. At home Tartarin would address the priest as monsieur le curé.

It is the center of the French manufacture of linen, muslin, and gauze. The battle of Saint-Quentin took place on July 29, 1557; the French forces met with a great defeat at the hands of the Spaniards, who were reinforced by a body of English troops. Upon the death of Ferdinand in 1516, Charles ascended the throne of Spain, and also became ruler of the Netherlands, Naples, Sicily, and Sardinia.

He died August 30, 1580. She became Queen of England in 1553. On July 25, 1554, she married Philip II. of Spain, and from this time on her energies were directed to the destruction of Protestantism in England. Her death took place on November 17, 1558. She ascended the English throne in 1558.